Saturday, October 23, 2010

Making the Prototype...

Salvaging materials...

Nextdoor's house was being demolished, so I thought I'd take advantage of their wrought iron gate, which otherwise would've been put into a dumpster...

Took it apart with the angle grinder...

2 pieces, ready for heating & to be twisted.

Heated metal

whilst the metal is hot, I brushed it with a brass wire brush.
This allowed the colour to adhere to the hot surface, giving it a golden finish.

twisted wrought iron, single piece.
Brass brushed.

cutting to length : 45mm

Final 15 pieces.

Making the Prototype...

Chosen design for frame...

working out size...
...producing copies, for mockups, double sides... etc.

working out the spacing between each bar:
estimated 48mm (from centre)

Friday, October 22, 2010


Imagery for Inspiration

I'd like to use the natural character of trees in my design, it should add some contrast to the straight bars, whilst the rustic bars will act as a continuation of the branches...

Concept Development

To emphasize the rustic aspect of the stool, and as I hope to include more raw wood pieces, I have decided to incorporate either trees, or the form of a branch on the side frame. 
This will help visually, complimenting the metal parts & will add extra visual interest. 
My only worry is that it may "overcrowd" the appearance of the stool. However this should be easily solved, depending on the materials, detail & intricacy of the branches.

Chosen Concept

concept development

material experimentation...

concrete reinforcement

electrical conduit

threaded rod

raw wood

galvanized pipe

chrome plated pipe

wooden dowel

twisted wrought iron

carved wood


The result...
a mock-up, working out the strength of each material, spacing, fitting/joining, order... etc.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Materials- desired visuals

                                          Rust can be Beautiful...